Sneakervision X Taylor | Matter is the Minimum

Matter is the Minimum

I follow so many dope people on Instagram. Sometimes you come across a post that makes you stop scrolling. This happened to me a few weeks ago. Scrolling through instagram, I see a mural-it says Matter is the Minimum; in black lettering and rainbow colors. I immediately commented, where is this? This is dope! The artist, Taylor Douglass, commented back that it was located on the west side of Atlanta. I was like DOPE! I want to come and take pictures. Taylor said, I can meet you there if you like!

Peep our interview below.

Me-When did you know or feel that you wanted to be an artist? Has art always been your life long dream? 

TD-I have been passionate about art since I was a young girl. I always knew that my mission would be doing something creative, but it wasn’t until college that I really became interested in fine art. I actually attended to the Art Institute of Houston for fashion. It was there that I started taking painting classes that really sparked the dream. 
What inspired you to say; ok…I can make my passion, my career? 
During school and after graduation, I worked in the fashion and retail industry. As a hobby, I was painting on nights and weekends, often wishing I had more time and the freedom to create the work that I wanted. At the time, I was managing a high-volume fast fashion store. My career was exciting, yet very demanding. Like most big box retail employees, I felt overworked and undervalued. Over time, I started to realize I was not fulfilled in the same way that I was when I was painting. So in 2015, I made the decision to resign and to act on my passion. I would eventually move to Atlanta and pursue a career path in Fine Art.

Me-For any young ladies, women…young and old-Have you ever experienced self doubt? What did you do to keep going?
TDAs a young lady, self-doubt is always going to linger when you are doing something that you are truly passionate about. It is a scary thing to follow your dreams, but so rewarding if you push through! Fear and self-doubt are the only things holding you back to reaching your full potential! These things are learned and simply pure figments of our imagination.  When I feel overwhelmed with self-doubt, I often write self-affirmations. These declarations of positive statements and goals help me formulate mission in my mind. This is what keeps me going! I also look back and think about my previous accomplishments. I remember how I might have felt self-doubt or fear then, and I realize how I was able to overcome with results! We have to celebrate our small wins, because every step, no matter how small, is still growth in the right direction. 

Me-Your latest piece/mural-share your passion or how you crafted this beautiful project? 

TD-Recently, I was fortunate enough to have been asked by Grove Park Renewal Organization to paint a mural for my neighborhood. When this project was first introduced to me, I was asked to share the message of “Black Lives Matter!”, such a powerful statement that has been heard and shared all over the world. After days of deep thinking on this, I decided that our message needed to say more. I wanted to share with the community that Black Lives MORE THAN MATTER! Matter is the absolute bare minimum! So, I drafted up a proposal to create a bright and colorful mural that reads this. 
This was the perfect opportunity to use my art to give back and spread a positive message. I am so beyond grateful to be able to be in a position to make a positive impact in the community and for all of the love the mural has received thus far.

Pictures of Taylor’s Mural below…candids of us looking at our Sneakers. LOL!

Taylor Douglass-Dope Atlanta Artist-Matter is the Minimum.

I really enjoyed talking to Taylor, her energy was calming and real. I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for her.
Check out her website;

Peace, Love and ONLY Sneakervision!

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